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Place God First over Anything - William Marrion Branham Quotes

Hebrews Chapter Two 2

I want you to take It to record. The Bible said, "If there arise one among you, and he says such-and-such, and it doesn't come to pass, don't hear it, for I haven't spoken. But if he speaks in My Name, and what he says comes to pass, then hear It." Amen. "For I am with that prophet, or preacher, whatever it may be. If what he says comes to pass, then hear him."
Now, friends, let's hear Him, the Holy Spirit speaking in our midst, showing divers miracles, and signs, and wonders. Let's just not pass over It as just common happenings. Let's remember that It's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; confirming His Word. We must do it. Oh, please do it. Take heed. Let every other thing be secondary, even your home, your husband, your wife, your children. Whatever it may be, put it second. Place God first. You say, "Brother Branham, over my children?" Over anything. Place God first. Let Him be first.

Daily Bread Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Place God First over Anything

 - Also listen to the Daily Bread of Today in AUDIO:

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